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They notify you of new listings, we message new listings and you are notified when sellers reply.

Feature Snatch Bots Ivy Flip Swoopa MP Monitor
Keyword Search Search for specific keywords in listing titles
Category Search Search entire categories and use must contain & skip keywords
Price Range Filter items by minimum and maximum price points
Advanced Search Advanced search, like: mileage, year, sortBy, etc.
Multiple Locations Loop through multiple locations
Title Must Contain Filter listings to only keep those with specific words in the title
Title Skip Keywords Exclude listings with specific words in the title
Description Skip Keywords Exclude items with specific keywords in the description
Location & Range Filter listings by location and distance
Ignore Shipping Enabled Ignore items with shipping enabled
Ignore New / Fake Accounts Ignore accounts created after a specific year
Skip Resellers & Store listings Verify how many listings with specific keywords a seller has.
ChatGPT validates listings & sellers Use ChatGPT to validate based on your own criteria
ChatGPT writes unique outreach Use ChatGPT to write unique outreach messages
SEND MESSAGES Send messages to sellers, UNIQUE Snatch Bots feature
Follow up (3x) when Sellers don't reply Get to the top of their inbox by sending another message after X minutes
Message on reply Send 1 message when sellers reply
Auto Archive Automatically archive threads if sellers are unresponsive.